James Donald wrote...

"You just issued the "sovereignty" rationalization for Saddam's

Hey...I just heard that a country that's even MORE free than the US has decided to liberate us from our oppressors in Washington DC. Don't stand on your balcony to cheer for them as they roll through your town, however...some of the "instigators" that support the old regime have been causing trouble, so you're bound to mistaken for one of them and get shot. Just remember: this is so you can be FREE....


From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vengeance Libertarianism
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:36:01 -0800

On 30 Dec 2003 at 22:49, Tim May wrote:
> I never went through a Marxist phase, never even came close.

You are real close right now.

You just issued the "sovereignty" rationalization for Saddam's
crimes, and your peculiar recollection of the speakers at those
Vietnam war demonstrations sounds like a marxist's
recollection, and of course theire are your regular call for
various groups to be sent up the chimney's, which presupposes
some benevolent vanguard group wise enough and virtuous enough
to identify which individuals belong to these undesirable
categories and need to go up the chimneys.

It is not that you never were close to being a communist, it is
that you have never been close to repenting, except on tax and
spend issues.

Apart from taxes, you are still as commie as ever.

         James A. Donald

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