Several sources have been reporting that NorthWest Airlines
are yet another group of collaborators giving out personal information
on their travellers.  However, Bill Scannell's been looking at the
FOIA information that EPIC received, and apparently some of the projects
that have used that data have been matching it with 1990 US Census data -
you know, the stuff they promised would be kept private for 75 years, etc.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [DontSpyOnUs] Northwest Airlines Shares Passenger Data
From: Bill Scannell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, January 18, 2004 11:36 pm

Northwest Airlines Shares Passenger Data

Northwest Airlines gave the full Passenger Name Records (PNRs) of almost
a half million of their customers to NASA researchers for testing a CAPPS
II-like system.  The PNRs contained everything one would normally give to
an airline or travel agent, including credit card details.  The PNRs were
from passengers who flew the airline from July through September of 2001.

The PNRs were combined with US census data in order to find 'outliers' -
people who did not fall into predefined categories.

Read the full story at:

SCANDAL: US Census Data Used in Government Passenger Profiling Test

The US government used data from the 1990 census and the records of close to
a half million Northwest Airlines passengers in a test of a CAPPS II-like
program.  The government's use of census data to single-out and profile
American citizens is not only outrageous, but possibly illegal.

If the US census is turned into yet another tool Homeland Security uses to
spy on our own people, the census will become worthless.  Who in their right
mind would tell census-takers the truth if it were known the information one
gave would be used by the state to snoop?  The US census would become about
as useful at the information given when one registers with a website: we
would become a nation that -at least on paper- was populated by 99 year-old
millionaire grandmothers from Albania.

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