I dunno...as an ex-optical engineer/physicst, I'm sceptical about this whole scary "tempest" bullcrap. Even if it can be made to work fairly reliably, I suspect deploying it is extremely costly. In contrast, the main benefit of CALEA is that they can merely provision their copy of a circuit to go back to VA or wherever. They can be eavesdropping while surfin porn all without leaving their desk and cup of coffee. Hey--if they want me that bad these days, it would probably be cheaper just to send the van and beat whatever they need out of me.

Actually, I suspect that Tempest is some kind of smokescreen..."Don't bother encrypting because we have this super-technology called tempest that can read your mind anyway."


From: Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Roy M. Silvernail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [IP] more on more on E-mail intercept ruling - good grief!! (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 16:15:59 -0400 (edt)

> The Tempest argument is a stretch, only because you're not actually > recovering the information from the phosphor itself. But the Pandora > argument is well taken.

Actually there is optical tempest now that works by watching the flicker
of a CRT.  Point is actually even more moot since most monitors are now
LCD based, etc. so there's no raster line scanning the display, etc...

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