What's interesting about the wallpaper is the ability to
block some frequency bands while passing others.
There's been good shielding wallpaper available for ~15 years,
but that's for blocking everything including cellphones and pagers.

At 12:20 PM 8/9/2004, Sunder wrote:
or http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996240&lpos=home3

Stealth wallpaper keeps company secrets safe
10:00 08 August 04
Special Report from New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

A type of wallpaper that prevents Wi-Fi signals escaping from a building
without blocking mobile phone signals has been developed by a British
defence contractor. The technology is designed to stop outsiders gaining
access to a secure network by using Wi-Fi networks casually set up by
workers at the office.

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