Wheee!  NYC==Police State for the last week for those of you living under 

 + ^ + :"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
<--*-->:and our people, and neither do we." -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  :                                                             \|/
 + v + :    War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2004 15:26:13 -0400
From: Edward Potter
To: grimmwerks
Subject: Re: [wwwac] Yes, it's relevent!  The cages on the Hudson,
     AKA Little Guantanamo

He's out.

You can't get near the place today. I tell people what happened and 
they can't believe it. I would not have believed it either, except I 
was there for 11 hours. Then another 15 hours downtown. Excellent first 
hand account here:

If I had not been arrested, I would not have known anything like this 
was going on. 1000- 2000 people, in barb-wire cages, at this very 
moment on the Hudson River. No joke. Totally surrounded by police.

ACLU lawyers, Reporters, everyone being denied access. Just starting to 
hit the media.


On Sep 1, 2004, at 2:57 PM, grimmwerks wrote:

> I read the same thing - and the guy with the bike is STILL there? And 
> held
> on what grounds?   Has any pics surfaced yet?
> On 9/1/04 2:51 PM, "Edward Potter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I cross posted this to the Politics list, just getting so little media
>> coverage, and yes, I met a few Java Programmers there, plus the guy
>> that has the bike that writes messages by WifI got nailed by the 
>> police
>> too (writing "America Home of the Free") ... so I guess hopefully the
>> word gets out.
>> ---------------
>> Does anyone on this list know there are now up to 2000 people
>> imprisoned in barb-wire cages on the Hudson River that don't know what
>> their charges are, have not had any rights read to them and are being
>> denied any access to any legal representation?
>> I was there, it was real. It would blow your mind. YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN
>> Or as the police call it:  Little Guantanamo  
>> Keep up with the news here:
>> http://nyc.indymedia.org

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