On Mon, 2004-10-18 at 15:17, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> Pentagon protects their people by distance - being it by bombing from high 
> altitude, or by using cruise missiles.
> Everybody uses the technology available to them. What's bad on it?
> Invariably, the side that uses the defensive measure - being it smart 
> weapons[1] or human shields - classifies it as tactical, while the other 
> side considers it cowardly.
> A nice example of symmetry in asymmetry.
> [1] The defensive aspect here is to allow the attackers to attack from 
> distance beyond the reach of the other side's active defenses, thus not 
> risking anything more than a piece of overpriced electronics.

If some asshole is coming at you with a knife, it's cowardly to shoot
him before he's in range? Dumbass.

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