James A. Donald:
> > Mc Veigh did not target innocents, and if he did target a 
> > plane full of innocents, perhaps in order to kill one 
> > guilty man on board, there is no way in hell he himself 
> > would be on that plane.

John Kelsey
> Well, he targeted a building full of innocents, so he could 
> get some BATF people in one part of the building, right?  I 
> guess I'm missing the part where he took especial care not to 
> blow up people who had no connection with the Waco disaster. 
> How would you differentiate his target selection from that of 
> the 9/11 attackers who hit the Pentagon?

If the 9/11 attackers had *only* targeted the pentagon, that 
would have been fine by me.  I am one of those who cheered in 
the movie theater when the aliens blow up Washington in the 
movie "Independence day"

> Though you're right, he didn't do the suicide bomber thing. 
> Does that constitute a guarantee that no white terrorist ever 
> will do so?

It is a good indication that sufficiently few will ever do so 
that it is not worth while checking shoes during boarding 

         James A. Donald

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