Read a story about some college student whose plasma TV
was emitting quite a lot of 121.5 MHz.  He got a nice visit
from S&R & Sheriffs types telling him to shut his TV off.
Or else.  121.5 is a satellite-received distress freq.  Toshiba will
send him a new TV for free.

Chatting with an Aussie from work.  He was surprised that
I knew what Pine Hills, where his dad worked, was.
He told me a story about working there as a kid, painting a fence.
The wind took his and his friend's hats flying towards some
antennae, he went chasing.  The Italian supervisor was very
distressed when he returned to the fence.  Gesticulated towards
the antennae, then the ground,  went "boom".   Nice field there,
when it was on.
I wonder if it was a 'roo or a staffer who first found this out.

I explained that the NSA was the Adversary, so We monitored Them;
he was surprised, thought it was the Russkies.  But he's a bit
of a republican-yokel.  I explained Little Sister vs. Big
Brother; who had the $ and acres of computers (etc), and that
Technical Means is Technical Means, regardless of your politics.
Also mentioned that recently added
"urban area" pix, so you can see in full color the cars in your
'hood early morning last spring.  Why UBL doesn't use his sat
phone, fibre optics hurt but WiFi is great, or not, and in any case
if the CounterIntel folks at the FBI and CIA go for under $2mill
it really doesn't matter much anyway.

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