On 21 Oct 2004 at 12:19, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Basically the way I see it. I've felt for a long time that
> the US (even while pursuing it's questionable goals) should
> have jumped all over the chance to buddy-up with China after
> the Sino-Soviet split, and knowing Mao's practicality I'd bet
> he could have been pursuaded

But the US did try (enventually somewhat successfully) to buddy
up with China after the Sino Soviet split.

> But of course, we were still in the middle of McCarthy-ism,
> so way too ideologically blind to see the obvious

The Sino Soviet split occurred long, long, long after
McCarthy-ism, and the McCarthyism you imagine never existed.

> As a result we continued to mindlessly pursue ideology rather
> than practicality and so ended really making things worse in
> SE Asia, in a place where Marxism was really a useful but
> temporary veneer over local politics (again we were too blind
> to see that Marxism was a western transplant that wasn't
> going to do too well in Asia)

Marxism collapsed in IndoChina when the Soviet Union collapsed. 

         James A. Donald

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