Major Variola (ret):
> > Is this geodesic neo-conservativism?   Where can I start 
> > bearer-document goose-stepping?

R.A. Hettinga wrote:
> Impedance mismatch. You're using a (now) cryptocommie 
> codeword for Jewery ("neo-conservative") with Nazi imagery. 
> Everybody knows that Jews are communists, right? ;-). Except, 
> of course, to a cryptocommie, *everyone*'s a fascist. Must be 
> like eskimos and 19 different names for snow, or something.

The underlying theory is that Zionism/Neo Conservatism is 
pretty much the same thing as national socialism, only with 
"Jewish" substituted for Aryan.  There is some truth in the
theory, but those so sensitive to the mote in Israel's eye,
fail to notice the beam in their own eye - fail to notice that
Communism etc is pretty much the same thing as national
socialism, only with various oppressed masses substituted for

         James A. Donald

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