At 10:16 PM 10/30/04 +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 02:42:25PM -0400, Sunder wrote:
>> As usual, South Park is a great source of wisdom.  So, are you voting
>> the Giant Douche or the Turd Sandwich?
>My candidate is Mr Hanky, Poo party.

I'm voting for Kodos.  [Simpsons ref]

UBL was pleasantly rational in this one.  Even explained the origin
of the tower-dropping plans, which was a nice bit for the historians.
I'm surprised
the "Ask yourselves why we didn't attack Sweden" comment
isn't discussed more; then again I find even intelligent people
refractory to that obvious question.
UBL still thinks lay Americans elect their leaders, or have
a clue what they're doing, but he is a man of strong faith.  He even
a succint reminder of the way out, "Leave my people alone", Moses
like.  Time for more locusts, frogs, red tides, or modern equivalents,
I'm afraid.  Extra points for the commentary on Bush Sr learning about
dynasty from
the Saudis, etc, and installing his sons as governors.

M. Atta -an Army of One

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