While I respect your forthrightness you are unfortunately wrong. Read the chapters on Randon Mumber generation from "Numerical Recipes in C" and you get just a small glimpse of how sticky the issue is, particularly when it comes to computers (which are innately non-random, by the way).

As a very simple example, imagine that after 10 billion digits we found that the "average" value was actually 5.000000001. This would make it, in your book, not random at all, but I suspect that for almost many uses it would be random enough.

And then, imagine that the cumulative average of the digits of pi oscillated around 5 (to one part in a zillion) with a period of 100 this random enough for you?

Let us remember, of course, that the digits of "pi" are not random whatsoever: they are the digits of pi! "Random is in the eye of the beholder."

I was hoping Cordian would grumpily reply...he's a number theorist or something.


Subject: Re: Pi: Less Random Than We Thought
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 05:43:35 -0700 (PDT)


If you remember D.E Knuth's book on Semi-Numerical
Algorithms he shows some annoying subsequences of pi
in it which are far from random.


--- cypherpunk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This doesn't really make sense. Either the digits
> are random or they
> are not. You can't be a little bit random. Well, you
> can be, but the
> point is that you either pass the test or you don't.
> If pi's digits fail a test of randomness in a
> statistically
> significant way, that is big news. If they pass it,
> then there is no
> meaningful way to compare them with another RNG that
> also passes. It's
> just a statistical quirk due to random variation as
> to which will do
> better than another on any given test.
> The bottom line is still that either an RNG passes
> the tests
> acceptably or it does not. From what they say (or
> don't say), pi does
> pass. It doesn't make sense to say that other RNGs
> do better.
> CP

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