Here a punkly (?) site seems to suggest that trusting the government 
is a reasonable policy.

                         The web of trust model can break very quickly if those you 
trust in turn trust
                         everyone, regardless of their merit. A real world example 
surfaced last
                         week. 6 Israeli soldiers were killed in the disputed 
territory of North
                         Israel/Southern Lebanon by Hezbollah guerrillas. In return, 
Isreal started
                         daily bombing runs over Lebanon, taking out power plants and 
                         infrastructure targets. At nite, the Israeli government 
warned all those living
                         in northern Israel to stay indoors and if possible 
underground. Israel feared
                         that the Hezbollah would retaliate with missile strikes and 
didn't want targets
                         roaming around on the streets.

                         You're probably asking yourself "so what?" Well, the 
interesting part of this
                         story is where the missles came from. The missles the 
Israeli's are afraid of
                         are American TOW missles (anti tank, but can make quite a 
impact in urban
                         warfare). American and Israeli intelligence tracked a 
shipment of several
                         hundred TOW missiles into Lebanon from Iran a few months 
                         Where did Iran get the TOW's? Remember the Iran/Contra 
scandal? Well,
                         in the ordeal, the US gave several hundred TOW missiles to 
Israel, who in
                         turn gave the missiles to Iran in return for US hostages. 
That is the last
                         known shipment of TOW's into Iran. So 10 years later, Israeli 
citizens are
                         hiding in their basements at nite, fearing a strike from a 
missiles that they
                         gave to someone who in turn gave them to "the enemy". Ironic, 

                         This problem exemplifies the problems you encounter when 
dealing with a
                         web of trust model. You must actively monitor those to whom 
you give your
                         trust, or it may bite you later. While dealing with large, 
central companies
                         such as Verisign or the Post Office may be evil, at least 
they're a known evil
                         entity. The option is the possibility of hundreds of evil 
people running around
                         abusing your trust.

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