Shit -- that's not the half of it. US corps (okay, multinationals) essentially 
enslave workers in places like
Guatemala, Saipan, etc. The factory sites look exactly like concentration camps. Try 
any subversive organization and you're
dead meat.  You work for 35 cents an hour and love it. Even tho that isn't enough to 
feed yourself on, let alone your family.

Aaron Evans wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 13:20:40 -0500, Duncan Frissell wrote:
> >Governments derive all their revenue by threatening to kill
> >people.  Corporations only derive a small part of their revenue from other
> >institutions (governments) that derive their revenue by threatening to kill
> >people.  No contest.
> 1. Adam Smith said some negative things about corporations.  He claimed they would 
>rob the working men of their
> independence.  Hmm... does that prediction stand the test of time?
> 2. Corporations don't have to kill people for profit... that's the government's job. 
> Doesn't the government wage wars and
> oppress the third world to create a "favorable" climate for US investment?
> I

Harmon Seaver, MLIS     Systems Librarian
Arrowhead Library System        Virginia, MN
(218) 741-3840  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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