At 05:12 PM 2/15/00 -0500, Harmon Seaver wrote:

>       Shit -- that's not the half of it. US corps (okay, multinationals) essentially 
>enslave workers in places like

>Guatemala, Saipan, etc. The factory sites look exactly like concentration camps. Try 
>any subversive organization and you're

>dead meat.  You work for 35 cents an hour and love it. Even tho that isn't enough to 
>feed yourself on, let alone your family.


Well they could go back to farming for 10 cents a day,

(or foraging for a nickel a day) but they prefer cities.

So do 70% of Americans prefer to live in

those prisons called cities.  Their sedentary

windowless jobs are sought after by the 

deluded or clueless.  At least it concentrates

the lowlife in one place.

If you run from a warden, you must be guilty.

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