Web industry forms anti-hacker group

 Wednesday, 23 February 2000 1:34 (ET)

 Web industry forms anti-hacker group

 RESTON, Va., Feb. 23 (UPI) -- The recent spate of hacker attacks on
 Internet sites led several industry leaders to form a group that would help
 identify problems and offer solutions.

         The Alliance for Internet Security drew several Internet service
 providers and industry professionals to study the so-called Distributed
 Denial-of-Service attacks that severely limited access to some of the most
 popular sites on the World Wide Web.
 Alliance chairman Peter Tippett, in a statement released Tuesday, said: "The
 members of the Alliance are coming forward to be part of the solutions and
 demonstrate their commitment to do the right thing on behalf of all the
 Internet; DDoS attacks are a 'public-health' problem. The first steps are
 for each of us to clean up our own back yards -- ensuring that our systems
 cannot be used as attack agents."

         Among the steps the group wants other Internet service providers to
 take is diligence in Internet security issues and to assure that fireworks
 and routers contain filtering, where appropriate.

         The Alliance also wants Internet-based organizations and companies
 to pledge to internally battle the hacker attacks. Companies that make such
 a promise and join the Alliance for Internet Security will be allowed to
 display a special gold-ribbon logo on their Web sites.

         The companies that comprise the Alliance for Internet Security are:
 Cable One; Cable & Wireless; Digex; GlobalCenter; Global Crossing; GTE
 Internetworking; ICSA.net; Level(3); Road Runner and Sprint.

         Further information on the program can be found on the Internet at
 www.icsa.net .

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