>         Thought you might find this item interesting.
>                     Copyright 2000 The Saturday Oklahoman
>                              THE SATURDAY OKLAHOMAN
>                     February 26, 2000, Saturday CITY EDITION
>HEADLINE: Professor's letter draws ire
>BYLINE: Ed Godfrey, Staff Writer
>    An official with a student organization has filed a
>sexual harassment complaint against a University of Oklahoma
>professor who wrote a letter to the campus newspaper comparing a
>vagina to a handgun.
>    Advocates for Sexual Assault Awareness in Norman issued a news
>release Friday condemning David Deming's comments and equated them
>to sexual harassment.
>    The organization is affiliated with the United Ministry Center
>in Norman. Center Director Becky Hebert said she filed a sexual
>harassment complaint against Deming with OU's Equal Opportunity and
>Affirmative Action office.
>    Deming, an associate professor of geology and geophysics, Friday
>said he doesn't regret writing even though it outraged some women
>on campus.
>    "I suppose a lot of people were offended, but I was offended to
>begin with," Deming said.
>    Deming's letter was published in Monday's edition of The
>Oklahoma Daily. He was responding to an article published Feb. 18
>in the newspaper and written by Yale Daily News columnist Joni
>   Advocating stricter gun control laws, Kletter wrote "easy access
>to a handgun allows everyone in this country, including criminals,
>youth and the mentally disabled, to quickly and easily kill as many
>random people as they want."
>    Deming, a gun owner and member of the National Rifle
>Association, said he was "very insulted" by the column. He
>responded by writing that "Kletter's easy access to a vagina
>enables her to quickly and easily have sex with as many random
>people as she wants."
>    He also wrote that Kletter's "possession of an unregistered
>vagina also equips her to work as a prostitute and spread venereal
>    Deming said he was attempting to show that "my gun no more makes
>me a killer than her vagina makes her an immoral person."
>    Hebert said she is aware of at least six written complaints
>against Deming.
>   "Having my vagina equated with a handgun is degrading, and for
>this to go unaddressed by the university is demoralizing," she said.
>    OU arts and sciences senior Lauren Avery said, "It was
>unnecessary for Deming to take an argument concerning gun control
>and turn it into an argument against women's sexuality."
>    Hebert wants the university to reprimand Deming and require him
>to receive sensitivity training on women's issues. She thinks
>Deming should be fired if he has made similar comments in the
>    Deming said his comments were political opinion and not sexual
>harassment. Those who have filed complaints have "no more respect
>for the First Amendment than they do the Second," he said.
>    "On the lighter side, I'm glad that somebody on campus is
>finally excited about something."

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