On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 12:02:34PM -0500, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> >I see the cypherpunk agenda as broader than mere privacy protection,
> >but rather the libertarian goal of the the destruction of the state
> >through technological means.
> Like John Lennon said:
> "When you're talking about minds that hate,
> all I can tell you brother is you have to wait"

He also said "in" quietly after 

"But when you talk about destruction/Don't you know you can count me out"

But despite the offering of this sort of discussion as a valid subject at
American universities I remain unconvinced.


"Brainstorm individaully (sic) all the connections you can make to the
word revolution in any and all senses; write all associations on board
as a class

Listen to the Beatles' song "Revolution I" and discuss any unclear
lyrics as a class

Individually respond to questions about song's lyrics"

1024/D9C69DF9 steve mynott [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.pineal.com/
    it's nineteen sixty-nine, ok? war across the u.s.a. 

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