This is in response to recent comments on Arcot's WebFort from Peter Gutmann
and Marcus Leech. For some of my
clients in Sweden, I have had reason to look into WebFort during the
past 12 months. Here are some of my conclusions:

The referred paper "Software smart cards via cryptographic camouflage"
discusses in general the concept of
private key camouflage but isn't precise about how Arcot's product
WebFort has implemented it. This may be a
reason for some misunderstandings about WebFort.

First, the public key of the certificate holder is never known to him.
It is stored in a private extension (no secret
structure) encrypted by a key known only to the relying party and the issuing
CA (on the WebFort market segment
these two are often the same party). As a consequence the public key can
never be used to encrypt, not even unintentionally. Hence no security
hole there, as far as I can see.

Secondly, how public a public key should be I think is up to the certificate
holder. The less publicized it is the less
true the Certificate Holder perhaps is to the original idea of PKI -- stressing
the last letter. OK, one could say that
WebFort is based on Public Key Technology in a way so it can build on
PKI-products, foremost commonly available
crypto libraries and CA-systems.

Peter questions the usability of WebFort. I have found it to fit right
into the
need for large websites to
authenticate their users (after they have become members). In user tests
WebFort has proved to be intuitively easy
to use and understand. They GUI is either a virtual ATM or userid plus
password. Both are well known to most
people. Concepts like PKI, certificate, CA and trust need not be
presented to
users, which they definitely
appreciate (we compared with standard browsers).

The major drawback of WebFort is that it doesn't work in an open domain
such as
Internet e-mail. Period. Some
companies rather appreciate the fact that certificates paid for by them and
given to their customers can't be
used by a competitor in any way. 

Peter, you say that WebFort isn't snake oil, but is full of security holes.
That's contradictory. I have looked for
holes and by enlarge found the same ones as for other "soft" solutions, namely
malware such as Back Orifice. Which have
you found?

Marcus, the PIN used to encrypt the private key may be determined either
by the
user or the issuer according to the
policy of the certificate. Even the PIN-length and number of retries can be
set, as well as a number of other
security factors. Security people in my country that have looked at WebFort
likes the fact that they can set and
enforce a security policy for the certificate holder. Compare that to the
capabilities of a standard browser.
Arne Nilsson, Abstracon
tel. +46 (0)31 823424
mobile. +46 (0)707 705244

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