Pardon my failing memory, but if memory serves, Microsoft lost that 
argument and the court case, and was assessed serious damages, a 
couple of hundred million!

Stacker is still a major player, because Microsoft did what they 
always do when they are losing -- they "invested in" Stacker.  So, 
LZS (the compression algorithm in question) is still widely used,
by Microsoft.

Oh, and the Stacker folks took the M$ money and spun off "hi/fn".

Ed Gerck wrote:
> ...  Stacker won in part, but lost
> a lot. As an aside, the then market leader (Stacker), now
> is no longer even a player.

    Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

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