At 12:43 AM 03/24/2000 -1000, Reese wrote:
>At 02:03 AM 24/03/00 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
>>But the rules against publishing real details aren't cast in stone -
>>Congress made them, and Congress can change them any time they like,
>>and under the Buchanan Administration they probably will,
>>during the War On Something.
>Under the Buchanan admin, they probably will?
>And just wtf makes you think Buchanan has a candles chance in a tornado?
>The problem isn't what an un-electable candidate wants to do,
>the proplem is what is already in place, and how elected candidates will
>expand upon those transgressions, rather than remove executive authority to
>Jesus Bill, I thought you were smarter than that.

There are _lots_ of problems - "they can change the rules any time"
is one of the Trump cards, and the "President Someone-Evil-But-Popular" line
is to make it more obvious to the lay reader how easily it can happen.

Get a clue, man - of course I don't expect that particular evil loser to win,
but we can easily enough get _some_ future politician or herd of
Congressreptiles elected who'd do something like that.
Buchanan's just the most obvious current example of the type,
and we've had other evil presidents in the last 40 years.
We'll probably end up with either President Son-of-a-Bush,
who's hopefully not as bad or as CIA-connected as his father,
President Algore, son of Senator Algore Sr.; we could always end up
with some granddaughter of Richard (fnord deleted) Nixon.  

Or the next Contract On America or Nationalized Health Care Plan
or Digital Divide Elimination Act or something will use census data for
Goodness and Niceness as an alternative to visibly evil reasons for it,
like imprisoning Japanese or California Teenagers or raver-drug-users.
Probably the next Long Form census will ask about guns...

Perot was an interesting possibility - most people didn't dislike him,
even if they thought he was crazy, but he was close to electable the first
and might have done all sorts of random things if he thought they were good

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