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Introducing Ethnicgrocer.com...
a total immersion in the tastes of Europe, Asia, India, Latin America, and all points in between.

For a Limited Time Only
For a limited time, EthnicGrocer.com is pleased to offer you $3 off any purchase of $10 or more. Please enter the promotion code 247OFF3 during the purchase process and enter a world of international taste enchantment.

We've Searched the World to Bring You the Best Selection
EthnicGrocer.com has searched the world to bring you the best selection of authentic ingredients and foods. So no matter where you live you have instant access to the planet's best pestos, pastes, chutneys, spices, and sauces.

Authentic Ingredients, Inspiring Recipes
Now the most authentic ingredients, inspiring recipes and cooking tips from many cultures are at your fingertips. Come explore the venues and menus from around the world.

Now the world is so small it fits on your dinner plate.sm

** PostMasterDirect/Food_and_Cooking [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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