Dear Cypherpunks,

I am a Dutch artist working with digital media in the Internet cultural
space. In the summer of '97, I initiated the project the_living that
embodies a character appearing only on the Internet-a digi-persona.
One of the primary goals of the project is to create what I call 'a working
chronicle of digital culture', a constantly expanding archive of 'live
events'. It is in this regard that I have contacted you to ask if  you
could please help me find someone who was a part of the Bay Area
Cypherpunks group at the HIP 97.

Could you help me find a certain SF Bay Area cypherpunk that attended the
HIP 97 Hacking in Progress convention in Almere, NL. I know it is ancient
history now, but this is precisely why I am trying to contact anyone
associated with this project. At the convention there was a very
interesting project involving the pgp challenge plus a ring of trust
ceremony. Anyone who has attended either of these events would be very
helpful to me.

Between April and June I will be visiting in the US for an arts project of
mine, the-living. Project the_living is an arts project and is
non-journalistic and non-commercial in nature. The material garnered from
these locations/individuals will only be used by the project and with
permission of the individual.

Thank you in advance.

Warm regards,

Debra Solomon

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