(i'm sending this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on the off chance that somebody
 other than spammers may read it, but i'm not feeling very hopeful.  this
 list has really really gone downhill lately.  is there a secret closed
 list that i don't know about?)

ECD stands for Encrypted CDrom, and it allows a linux user to make and
read strongly-encrypted CDROMs.  ECD consists of patches to the mount/
umount/mkisofs utilities, and to the linux 2.2.14 kernel.  ECD uses the
Blowfish algorithm to encrypt/decrypt.

Note! You should be very comfortable with patching/compiling/installing
      kernels, as well as patching/compiling/installing important system

To install ECD, you patch/compile/install the kernel, reboot, and patch/
compile/install the mount/umount/mkisofs utilities (the mkisofs patch is
based on mkisofs-1.12b5, the mount/umount patches are based on util-linux-2.9w,
and the kernel patch is based on linux-2.2.14).

Next, you'd use "mkisofs" to build an image containing files that you want
to put on CDROM.


        mkisofs -E -o /tmp/test.img /home/*

The '-E' argument to "mkisofs" is new, and specifies that you want the
files on the image to be encrypted.  "mkisofs" will ask you for a password
(twice), and use the password to generate a key to be used to encrypt each
file in the image.

If you wish, after "mkisofs" has created the image, you can test the
"fidelity" of the image by mounting it via the loopback interface:


        # mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 /tmp/test.img /mnt
        This filesystem appears to be encrypted

You should then be able to read unencrypted files from /mnt.

Next, you'd use "cdrecord" or something similar to burn the image onto

After the CDROM has been burned, you use "mount" to mount the CDROM
on your linux system.


        # mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom
        This filesystem appears to be encrypted

Lastly, you'd use "umount" to un-mount the CDROM as you normally would.


        # umount /cdrom


Only tested on RedHat 6.1 (kernel 2.2.14) so far.

Only uses Blowfish right now (other algorithms coming RSN).

Doesn't encrypt the names of directories or files (coming RSN).

For some reason, can't play MP3 files directly from the CDROM.  Once you
copy them to the HD they work fine though, no idea what the hell is wrong
there, file contents/sizes are the same, so perhaps it's a timing problem?

Simultaneous reads of two or more files will confuse the decrypting method.
The solution is just to copy or decrypt one file at a time.

ECD is free code.  You can do with it what you will, except that you
cannot say you wrote it and/or that I didn't.

You can get ECD from http://members.home.net/id-est.

Send bug reports and recommendations to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Flames and spam -> /dev/null.

Apr 6, 2000

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