In the 24 hours since 11:00 am 04/12:

45 messages have come through cypherpunks.

By author:

Jim Choate - 14
Tim May - 4
Sunder - 3
"King" RAHenry VIII - 3
tskinner - 2
Mac Norton - 2
Reese -2
Others... 1

Of these posts my subjective analysis (which is admittedly picky)  lists 
their quality as:

High -
Lucky Green - 1 
Tim May - 3

Medium - 
Peter Trei - 1
Alan Olson - 1

The remainder included:

14 hand wringers about the state of the list.
4 arguments about the definition of a corporation. (One of which speculates 
on the world population of field mice).
4 arguments about what an idiot Clinton is (isn't).
4 references to Hitler, the holocaust or the denial thereof.
3 Self - Congratulatory "I've seen that before"'s from "King" RAHenry VIII. 
(2 of which are forwards of his posts on other topics on other lists).
3 messages containing almost nothing but a single URL. (1- Jim Choate  which 
makes a reference but lists no URL or cite).

Of all messages:

17 are under 5k (5 of these are from Jim Choate and would be smaller if 
not for his uselessly large signature).
The largest was from Tim May (11k) and was almost all original material.

Of the 5 largest messages only Tim May's and a Colorado advertisement contain 
less than 50% quoted material.
The worst of these was Reese' Clinton whining post, the third largest at 
11K, which contains less than 3% of original content and about 97% quoted 

There are 6 advertisements - one beginning "Dear Tennis Instructor or student,
" and one HTML message insisting we visit Colorado.  (Note also that this 
was the fourth largest message in the period at over 10k)
Half of the advertisements are over 5k in length.

19 Messages contain the "CDR" prefix.
12 of these were from Jim Choate
1 of these (from Tim May) had any quality content.

Conclusions - I could have reeduced useless posts (noise):

44+% by filtering out 3 authors: Jim Choate, Sunder and "King" RAHenry VIII. 
(With 0 loss of signal).
42+% by filtering out messages with the "CDR" prefix (at the expense of 
one high signal message).
64+% by filtering out messages under 6k (at the expense of 3 high/medium 
signal messages [50%]).

Draw your own conclusions.

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