> >David Honig typed:
> >
> >> Best part is the MP-5 pointed at the kid by the stormtrooper.   PR snafu.

I said:

> Actually, the best part is what looks like a box of B-D syringes on the
> top shelf of the closet in that photo.

Reese replied:

> Certainly, the box has the logo "B-D" on it, but what makes you think it is
> syringes?

Because it looks to be exactly the size, shape and color of a 200 count B-D 28G x 3/4" 
 insulin syringe box?  It could be a 100 count box too since those are just half depth.

> Wishful thinking?

Wishful thinking?  What do I care if person X is a diabetic or is using syringes to 
mainline heroin (or rat poison for that matter)?

> Did you ever imagine the B-D company might
> make more than syringes?

Sure.  Latex gloves, alcohol swabs, rubber tubing...

> Many of said items having legitimate household use?

I don't know about you but I use syringes to squirt water at the neighbor's cat when 
it gets into my yard.  If that doesn't work I snap at it with rubber tubing.  I 
consider these legitimate household uses.  Frankly, I think if person X mainlines rat 
poison in their home that's a legitimate household use too.  Syringes are designed to 
inject substances.  If you inject substances with them that's a legitimate use... no?  
It's not my own favorite pastime, but hey...

I just find it amusing that a picture like that would reveal something... unexpected?  
Deeper?  Granted, it could contain anything.  They could have found it in the alley 
and are now using it to hold moth balls or stale ju-ju-bees.

> >I will say the United States increasingly makes me sick.
> Just shut the fuck up.  Not all US citizens are addicts or dealers, no
> matter what you may prefer to believe.

My comment above had nothing to do with addicts or dealers (who don't concern me) but 
rather black hooded thugs (and their masters) who point automatic weapons at people to 
resolve immigration disputes.

What happened to your trademark "fuck off" comment?  Do I only rate a "shut the fuck 
up" now?  Or is that a promotion?

Then Jim Choate jumps in with:

> If we are speaking of the picture on CNN, the box has three letters on it.
> The last one looks like an 's' or a '5'. From left to right there is a
> small plastic jar with a blue lid which contains cotten swabs. Then there
> in a black case, then a white box with three letters on it in blue, and
> then another black case. Underneath is a hanger bar with clothes on it.

First off, I'm looking at the AP photo that was on the CNN web site.

Sorry.  I don't see three letters.  I see the very distinct bluish-green 
(greenish-blue?) B-D logo surrounded by the same color box outline.  It's not real 
ambiguous.  In fact it's not ambiguous at all.  Go look the logo up on the web.

> You guys obviously didn't actualy blow that thing up and run any edge
> enhancement on it with respect to the lettering.

You're right.  I didn't blow it up because its size doesn't need much modification.  I 
just used Photoshop's "sharpen edges" filter and adjusted the contrast.  Not that I 
had to.  It's plain as day without any digital enhancement.

By the way, I don't see cotton swabs anywhere either, nor do I see a jar with a blue 
top.  The box isn't white either.  It's light cardboard brown.

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