Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> As far as the raid goes, I support it. A 6-year-old child belongs 
> with his father or mother. The uncles and cousins had no standing, 
> period.
> I'm sorry the kidnappers were not arrested.
> And now the U.S. travesty of a legal system will grind on for months. A joke.
A lawyer was on the radio this morning citing a Federal immigration
law which states that after a Cuban immigrant has been in the United
States for one year, he stays. Unfortunately, I only caught the tail
end of that discussion, so I missed the identification of the law and
only caught the reiteration of the above point. Perhaps it is the
Immigration Act(?) of 1980? 
Someone more qualified in legal matters than I can surely look that up.
If this is the case, then it's gone on for months, and now the Miami
Cubans just have to keep it in court until November 25th.
What a joke.
> The father should simply depart from Andrews AFB. Any "promises" he 
> made to stay during the long court process were made under the duress 
> of the kidnapping of his son.

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