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Subject:                ITAA Prez Harris Miller say "Make Your IT Voice Heard on 
Date sent:              Fri, 21 Apr 2000 09:54:35 -0400

The IT community has some CRITICAL votes for it in Congress
next month, including US trade relations with China,
Internet taxation, and the H-1B immigration program.  For
us to win these votes, we must have a large and broad
representation from our industry visit to Washington to
counteract those who oppose us.  For instance, the unions
which are fighting us on trade with China and immigration
just sent thousands of their members to lobby against the
IT community last week.  We must counteract them by
delivering our message effectively and directly in our
nation's capital. You or someone from your company has to
be part of this effort!

The best time to come is Monday, May 1, and Tuesday, May 2,
to participate in ITAA's 5th Annual IT Policy Summit.  You
will have the opportunity to join your colleagues from
around the country in visiting Congressmen and Senators to
make our case.  You will also receive briefings on these
and other important issues for your business, such as
Internet taxation, privacy policy, patent issues, and
consumer protection on the Internet.  In general, the
briefings will occur Tuesday morning, May 2, with Monday
afternoon and Tuesday afternoon being used for
Congressional office visits.   A more detailed agenda

Be sure your corporate voice is heard at ITAA's 5th Annual
IT Policy Summit May 1-2, 2000 in Washington, D.C.:

Welcome reception Monday, May 1 @ Loews L'enfant Plaza 5:30

We start with Breakfast and General Sessions Tuesday, May
2nd 8:00 am @ the Department of Commerce with a Keynote
Presentation by the Honorable William M. Daley, Secretary
of Commerce then a Panel on Government / Industry
Cooperation on ECommerce Moderated by Andrew Pincus,
General Counsel, U.S. Dept. of Commerce William Reinsch,
Under Sec. For Export Administration Mark Bohannon, Chief
Counsel on Technology, Office of Deputy Secretary Becky
Burr, Associate Administrator, Office of the Deputy
Secretary  we will also hear from other pertinent agency
voices: Stuart Eizenstat, Deputy Secretary Treasury
(tentative) Doris Meissner, Commissioner, Immigration and
Naturalization Service (tentative) Todd Dickinson,
Commissioner, US Patent and Trademark Office David Medine,
Associate Director, Financial Practices Div, Bureau of
Consumer Protection

We then move to the Rayburn House Office Building for an
11:30 - 1:30 pm Meet & Greet Luncheon on Capitol Hill where
leading elected officials will speak on IT issues of
concern. Requested legislators include:

Congressmen: Berman, Bliley, Boucher, Coble, Conyers, Cox,
DeLay, Dingell, Eshoo, Goodlatte, Lofgren, Markey, Oxley
and Young

Senators: Abraham, Bennett, Dodd, Hatch, Kennedy, Kyl,
McCain, Robb, Warner and Wyden

To register, visit
<https://www.itaa.org/govt/ppconf00.htm#reg> Questions?
Call Lauren Frazier @ (703) 284-5358 or Barb Dunlavey @
(703) 284-5322.

  I look forward to seeing you there!
  Harris N. Miller

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