At 07:40 AM 4/26/2000 -0400, Marcel Popescu wrote:
>Tim, I used to admire you. Sadly, it looks that I'm the only fucking
>anarchist left on Earth. [Even Murray Rothbard advocated *for* copyrights,
>as I understand...] Well, I'm not very certain about David Friedman and
>Walter Block, though if Tim May supports state intervention, everything else
>is fair game...
You're not the only one. But I know how you feel. I'm the only real
anarcho/capitalist I know personally. The few people I know that claim
libertarian leanings all support some sort of government intervention. And
the only other person I know who claims to be an anarchist [he has an
anarchist flag on his porch and an anarchist symbol tattooed on his leg]
thinks the government needs to prevent capitalists from exploiting workers. 

It's nice to read the thoughts of others who believe that government
interference in our lives is unnecessary, wrong, and destructive so that I
know I'm not the only weirdo in the world.

David Neilson
"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And 
let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no 
virtue."   ---Barry Goldwater's speech accepting the Republican Party 1964 
Presidential nomination.

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