Ray wrote:

>IMHO, a better solution would have been adding a page for the wrong
>url to not report 404's but to report the content advertised.  I know
>it's The Druge Report's fault, but in this (web) business, it's the
>"right" thing.  Of course, it's JY's perogative to do as he wishes to.

We've been trying to get into the site to do just that, but haven't
been able to. The munged URL is weird. back-to-back URLs,
but we were told how to set that up as a page which would bring
up the correct info or direct to it. 

And we agree that running a site means asking for help in fixing 
work-arounds and not bellyaching about it.

And, and, the advice and goosing we get here, now for six years, 
has been fabulous, in many senses of that word. Thanks very 
much, in case I've not said it enough lately. Sniff. Fuck me.

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