On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Adam Back wrote:

>Tim May writes:
>> This is the key question, no pun intended. A kind of language for
>> generating complex protocols was something Eric Hughes and I
>> discussed at length before even holding the first meeting of what
>> became the Cypherpunks group.
>SDL (Specification and Description Language) sounded interesting as a
>domain specific language for crypto protocols the specification of the
>crypto protocol would also be it's implementation.

Hmmm.  Offhand I'd say there's no hope unless the language is 
well-known to lots of people prior to this application of it. 
As a long-time programmer in scheme, I can say from experience 
that it is *IDEAL* for cipher work thanks to the built-in 
extended numeric functionality - but nobody uses it because 
nobody knows it. 

If I were designing a system to use for encryption, key-tracking, 
and the negotiation of protocols, and I were going to be doing all 
the work, I'd use scheme.  But if I expected other people to 
contribute, I'd have to use C, or maybe Perl or a shell language - 
something well-known. 


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