I have something worth you listening to.
Right now I am offering you a chance to join an intenet downline club
which is designed for the average Joe.
This club is designed for the everyday people who do not have
much experience with MLM and Promotion.
It is free to join, but can easily generate you a solid
, growing monthly income.
After a short time you will earn enough to cover the repayments
on a new car loan or even a house!
I have been in many clubs in the past and seen many scams, this 
club is the most honest, down to earth and friendly I have ever seen.
For full details on this opportunity, please email me
into the subject box. I will get back to you ASAP.
Feel free to ask me any questions on the club.

This has been a one time mailing.
Don't worry about replying with "Remove" 
as you will recieve no further mail.

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