Fellow Cypherpunks,

                     THE LAWYER GAMBIT

   I remember reading in old anti-IRS literature about a technique for
avoiding prosecutions. A client would tell a lawyer that he wanted to
do something and would ask if it were legal to do. The lawyer would
then give his opinion as to wheather it was legal or not. If the lawyer
said that it was legal and gave his opinion in writing, then the
client could proceed without out worry. The lawyer's opinion would stop
any criminal prosecution.

   I wonder if this would work with publishing crypt code. I think it
might put the lawyer at risk. If we had a lawyer who really thought
that publishing crypt code on the Internet was legal and wasn't afraid
of sticking his neck out then his published statement on the Internet
to this might open the floodgates of crypt code Internet posting for

   Donald has stated that the law in this area is quite vague. I would
think even if the law prohibited it, then the law would be unconstitu-
tional and therefore null and void.

   Any thoughts on this?

Yours Truly,
Gary Jeffers


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