Hello !

Your site talk about Nostradamus. 

I'm very sorry but in quatrain X 72, Nostradamus didn't talk about Mongols, 
Cassini, comets, wars, eclipses, JFK, the Antichrist, or Osiris !

If you want to learn the truth about Nostradamus' prophecy for 1999, there's 
a good address :

Nostradamus' prophecy came completely true : the final explanation of the 
quatrain word by word !

Now, the truth is at last available in English ! + en français  + em português

(I can read an email in english but I can't reply in english because I don't 
speak english. It's not me who made the translation in english on my site. I 
can reply in french if you want.)

On my site, you can read too :

1998 : a World Cup shrouded in mystery
 > Learn all about the mysterious coincidences which lined the way of the 
French during the 1998 World Cup (soccer)

The storm of December 26, 1999
 > Why didn't the media warn the French ?



Alain Thuot


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