A Yahoo wrote:
%    What a load of shit.   If you check that URL the next
%    thing you see the following release:
%    http://www.privada.net/news/releases/20000717.html
%    #
%    #    Privada's Technology Protects Users' Privacy, Only
%    #    Monitors Those Who Abuse It
%    #    [snip]
%    Obviously AMEX & Privada don't have a clue as to the
%    history of privacy and privacy tools...
%    What about civil john doe complaints?
%    What about Church of $cientology and Penet.fi?
%    What about the entire key escrow debate?
%    What about the entire clipper debate?
%    If anyone really things that 'identity escrow' enabled
%    privacy products are what the market is looking for,
%    they are seriously clueless.
%    This is obviously snake oil.

No, the emphasis is on what consumers in general want.
And it delivers.

Those wishing to push the edge of free speech aren't
going to be satisfied, but the new services meet the
needs of regular consumers/people accessing the Internet.

That market dwarfs what ZKS/Anonymizer will ever get.

Even the Anonymizer shut down its free version due to abuse.

And Yahoo has cooperated with civil subpeonas regarding
stock touting / company disparagement.

Yet you use it. It's free and does what you need.
AmEx is offering their services for free for cardholders.

ZKS isn't exactly mixmaster WWW surfing, at some point
there will be traceability, given the necessary court order.

Albeit ZKS seems to be the best at what it does.

Too bad the cardholders aren't setting up for you to choose
your privacy provider, like cable is being pressured to
allow choice of ISP.

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