
Many of you have asked when CRYPTIC SEDUCTION would be available on video.
I have held off making copies available because I have been looking for a
good deal with a distributor.  I've decided not to wait any longer.  It will
soon be available through several sites on the Web.

Because of the heavy Cypherpunk influence/involvement in the making of
CRYPTIC SEDUCTION, I've decided to make a special Cypherpunk offer.  If you
would like to get an advance copy of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION, send a check or
money order for $19.95 (plus appropriate sales tax if you are in California)

        Desdaemona Film Production Trust
        123 Bay Place, #301
        Oakland, CA 94610

Your check or money order should be made out to "Desdaemona Film Production
Trust."  If you have any questions, e-mail me or call me at 510-839-3441.


 S a n d y

P.S.  Many of you have seen the soft-core version of CRYPTIC SEDUCTION on
the Spice Channel.  The video version, however, is hard-core.

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