At 2:05 PM -0500 10/19/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Tim's  anti Jewish sentiments are obvious in his current posts and in the
>If he had any guts he would admit what he really feels instead of using
>sarcasm and obfuscation.

This anonymous poster complains that I haven't admitted what I really 
feel. Oh, the irony.

Also, I've expressed my views quite plainly in many thousands of articles.

As for Jews, I have nothing for or against them, per se. Ditto for 
Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Scientologists, Catholics, Lutheran, 
Jehovah's Witnesses, Wiccans, Baalists, or Baloneyians.

As for Zionism, I despise it. A political system which says that 
people living in Schenectady or Dublin or Krakow should travel to 
Palestine and expel the owners of farms and shops because some desert 
prophet claimed to have heard a message from his desert god 3300 
years ago that the land would be given to his followers...despicable.

As for the modern state of Israel, it has some good and some bad. It 
has some forward-looking high tech companies. Unfortunately, many of 
them are essentially state-owned. It has some well-educated people. 
It also has some fascists.

In the long run, I doubt Israel will survive in its present form. 
It's just packed-in too close to those with access to bombs, 
biological weapons, nerve gas, and so on. And some of those folks it 
expelled from farms and shops have long memories...and a martyr's 
sensibility. Some of those Palestinians will eventually decide to 
take out Tel Aviv with a suitcase nuke, or airborne Ebola, or any of 
the various Horsemen. Pouring out the vials, so to speak.

And what will I think of millions of Zionists being incinerated or 
coughing out their last breaths? I'll think of it as the inevitable 
consequences of encouraging people in this modern age to migrate to 
someone else's land and forcibly expel them. I'll think of it as 
evolution in action.

My biggest worry will be what will happen to my Intel stock if the 
Qiryat Gat wafer fab is destroyed. The former residents of the 
Palestinian village of Al Falujah, may return.

So, Mr. Anonymous Hushmail, I've expressed my views a lot more 
publically than you have. Twit.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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