well, is Armey opposed to Carnivore?  Or not?

On Thu, 19 Oct 2000, Declan McCullagh wrote:

> ********
> And a Napster poll:
> http://freedom.gov/vote/vote5.asp
> ********
> http://www.cluebot.com/article.pl?sid=00/10/19/2251239
>     Justice Department Carnivore Review a Sham?
>     posted by cicero on Thursday October 19, @05:44PM
>     from the say-could-it-be-an-election-year? dept.
>     Dick Armey, House majority leader and Republican firebrand, is once
>     again making trouble for the Clinton administration. Armey this
>     afternoon sent a letter to Attorney General Janet Reno, saying that
>     the Justice Department's review of Carnivore appears somewhat less
>     than objective: "I have questioned the independence of this review.
>     Several in the media have questioned this review. Several universities
>     refused to submit review proposals because, in their opinion, the
>     review process was unfair." Having the supposedly secret names of the
>     government-affiliated reviewers revealed last month sure didn't help.
>     Neither did the information in the Carnivore documents obtained under
>     the Freedom of Information Act. (Armey's letter is below.)
> The letter:
> http://www.cluebot.com/article.pl?sid=00/10/19/2251239

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