Would anyone in the Oregon area know about
a CIA organization acronymed ISTAC?

Here's the NIC entry, which includes a CIA rep
in Bend, OR. Note that the other CIA rep used
only a last name initial.

                  CIA (ISTAC-DOM)
                  1820 Electric Avenue
                  Vienna, VA 21076

                  Domain Name: ISTAC.GOV
                  Status: ACTIVE
                  Domain Type: Federal

                  Technical Contact, Administrative Contact:
                     S, Dan  (DS3)
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                  Domain servers in listed order:

                  NS2.SPRINTLINK.NET ,

                  Record last updated on 31-Oct-97.

               cia (W19990412003631)

                  Federal Government: Yes
                  Unlisted Organization: Yes
                  Status: Pending

                  Designated Agency Rep, Requester, Sr. Registration Official:
                     Mueller, Deforest X.  (DXM2)
                     (541) 385-6836
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                  Record last updated on 13-Apr-99.


               Mueller, Deforest X. (DXM2)

                  63350 majestic loop
                  bend, OR 97701

                  (541) 385-6836

                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Second inquiry on accessing Intelink, or IC.GOV

While this is registered, it does not respond to
a browser inquiry. Here is its NIC data:


 Central Intelligence Agency (IC-DOM)
                  Global Network Enterprise
                  Washington, DC 20505

                  Domain Name: IC.GOV
                  Status: ACTIVE
                  Domain Type: Federal

                  Technical Contact:
                     Networks, Public  (PN2)
                     (702) 874-7205
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                  Administrative Contact:
                     Farnham, David B.  (DBF)
                     (703) 874-2871
                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                  Domain servers in listed order:


                  Record last updated on -Apr-10.


 Networks, Public (PN2)
                  Central Intelligence Agency

                  ATS/EDSN, 1U1332 NHB
                  Washington, DC 20505

                  (702) 874-7205

                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                  E-mail Host: UCIA.GOV

                  Record last updated on 27-Jan-99.

 Farnham, David B. (DBF)
                  ATS/NSG, 2W03 NHB

                  ATS/NSG, 2W03 NHB
                  Washington, DC 20505

                  (703) 874-2871

                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                  Record last updated on 27-Jan-99.

Source: http://www.nic.gov/REFERENCE/rfc2146-2.txt


  Q.  An organization maintains a domain
name that represents a cross-agency
community, IC.GOV, which represents members
of the intelligence community.  As a
cross-agency collaborative effort, does the
domain have to be re-registered? 

  A.  The policy states that "Cross-agency
collaborative organizations (e.g., "Federal
Networking Council", "Information
Infrastructure Task Force") are eligible for
registration under .GOV upon presentation of
the chartering document and are the only
non-listed (in either FIPS 95-1 or the US
Government Manual)  organizations eligible
for registration under .GOV."  "IC.GOV" 
however, is grand-fathered since it is an
existing domain.  Nevertheless, it would be
appropriate to provide a copy of the
chartering document to the FNC for the
record.  This would ease future changes to
the IC.GOV domain if necessary. 


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