At 8:57 PM -0800 11/8/00, Ernest Hua wrote:
>  > There cannot be a re-vote of the County, or even of the entire State,
>>  as this would distort the forces acting on the electorate in a way
>>  never seen before. The Palm County voters would know _they_ would be
>>  electing the next president. Billions of dollars would be spent
>>  trying to buy each and every voter.
>"distort the forces ..."   Lord!  No!  Don't let them do that!
>Geez, Tim.  What happened to personal responsibility?  Who gives two
>bits what "forces" will be upon them.  They will ultimately still
>have to cast a vote which they were casting just days earlier.  Who
>cares if idiots spend billions to sway a few thousand votes.  That's
>THEIR problem.  It's free speech, as you have claimed in the past.

You're a complete idiot if you don't understand this point.

I made my points, briefly, above. This would not be a matter of the 
same voters simply recasting their same ballots. Think about it.

(I'm not convinced you can, Ernest. In reading hundreds of your posts 
I have concluded that you're just part of Vinge's "Slow Zone.")

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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