At 1:04 PM -0800 11/11/00, Tim May wrote:
>At 11:55 AM -0800 11/11/00, Tim May wrote:
>>* Stage Four of the FUD Campaign, current: "We demand a manual recount. Two
>* Stage 4.5 of the FUD Campaign, Saturday afternoon: "It's the 
>chads, the little pieces of paper punched out but hanging by a 
>thread." (How appropriate: "hanging by a thread") The Democrats are 
>demanding that ballots marked as spoiled be checked to see if they 
>have "indentations" or "chads."
>Of course, how these indentations or chads have anything to do with 
>Democrats vs. Republicans is unclear...
>Except that the Democrat Party is requesting the recounts in heavily 
>Democrat precincts!

* Stage 4.6 of the FUD Campaign, late Saturday afternoon: It was just 
revealed on Fox News that the northern Florida county with the 20,000 
spoiled ballots is Duval County and that there WILL NOT BE A RECOUNT 
of the ballots because the 72-hour time limit for challenging the 
count has passed.

(This was from the female director/whatever of the Elections 
Commission in Duval County, who said that the ballots could not be 
subject to the same kind of inspection being seen in the other 
counties to the south because the 72-hour time limit had just 

In other words, the Democrats are getting a third count in 
heavily-Democrat counties because they hustled into town with their 
lawyers and filed at least 8 lawsuits and screamed and squawked that 
their peoples had been "discriminated against." Though they've 
changed the grounds for their complaints several times--see earlier 
FUD points--this "held the door open" for the manual scrutiny of the 
"chads" and "indentations" and "voter intent" we're now seeing in the 
precincts the Democrats are having re-re-counted.

The Republicans, on the other hand, took the results as a done deal 
and thus have let the 72-hour deadline in Duval County (and other 
such counties, one presumes) pass.

"You snooze, you lose."

Ah, America.  Where the true victors are lawyers. And where the 
Democrats will likely steal the election by getting "a third bite of 
the apple."

Fucked up, yes.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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