At 7:48 PM -0500 12/6/00, Trei, Peter wrote:
>  > Tim May[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
>>  At 4:02 PM -0800 12/6/00, IT IS SHOOOSH wrote:
>>  >Daer Reciever...
>>  >i am a stuend in an American University...
>>  >and i am taking a public speaking course...
>>  >i have this week to give a persuasive speech (my final
>>  >speech)...i thought of doing it about persuading my
>>  >audience that seatbelts are not safe as we
>>  >thought...there is a stydu done recently in England
>>  >that showed that...
>>  >
>>  >i dont know,,is it a good topic,,or can u give me more
>>  >
>>  >thank you
>>  >Rasha
>>  >
>>  Daer Reciever Rasha,
>>  i am happi you r a stuend. amrika needs good stuends.
>>  baste on yur speling, i think u shuld becum a teecher.
>>  --tim
>Anyone else suspect that the original message (from a
>throw-away yahoo account) is a troll,
>and wonder if Tim might have been the author?
>[Tim, perhaps you're not, but replying so quickly in this
>manner to the original message (which is a canonical
>example of the way you satirize uneducated blacks)
>is suspicious to say the least :-]

First, this is not how I satirize uneducated--or even 
educated--blacks. I didn't use any ebonics code words, nor did I 
mention niggaz, crack hoes, or welfare entitlements.

Rasha sounds like the typical illiterate student who has to take 
remedial English upon her arrival at Beaver College. I had a roommate 
in college who was one of these types, having to take the equivalent 
of "English for Dummies." He couldn't spell, he couldn't construct a 
sentence, and he couldn't read worth a damn.

And that was 29 years ago. At a UC campus. I expect that standards 
have declined even further since then, especially as college has now 
become just an extension of high school. In fact, I expect that a lot 
of places like Beaver College, Lower Ohio River Valley State College, 
and Yankton Practical University are all being swamped by illiterate 
and innumerate students who barely graduated from their 
already-abysmal high schools.

When a university education is an entitlement, gud stuends like Rasha 
are the result.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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