On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 05:39:29PM -0800, petro wrote: 
> Mr. May said:
> >At 2:27 PM -0500 12/3/00, Adam Langley wrote:
> >>Attachment converted: G4 Tower HD:UK Govt seeks to capture and st 
> >>(MiME/CSOm) (0000F86A)
> >
> >This is really getting out of hand! Attempting to open this message, 
> >by clicking on the attachment, bombs/crashes my Eudora Pro 5.0.1 
> >mailer. Repeatedly--I tried 4 times.

Also, since when is crashing a proper response to *any* email message?
I don't think you have the PGP/MIME-using people to blame, nor should we
be expected to fix your lousy email program.  I can understand people's
desire to be able to read messages, but even if your MUA does not support
MIME, if you look at this message in plain text you can read it without
any sort of formatting problems.  Only mailers that have incorrect
MIME support will have problems with it, and that's simply not any of
our problem.

ASCII plain text *is* The Way.  But guess what, PGP/MIME *is* plain text.
You can even parse it with your eyeballs.

Sean R. Lynch KG6CVV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.literati.org/~seanl/
"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem!"
-Ronald Reagan, 1984     540F 19F2 C416 847F 4832  B346 9AF3 E455 6E73 B691

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