On Sun, Dec 10, 2000 at 07:04:18PM -0800, Tim May wrote:
> You're missing the point. Several people set their systems to provide 
> their _entire_ messages as attachments. Riad Wahby acknowledged this, 
> and fixed it. Others did not, so I started filtering them out.

Riad "fixed" his software by turning off RFC2015.  An "attachment" is a
part of a multipart MIME message that is not marked as "inline."  Any part
that *is* marked inline should be displayed inline by your MUA.  If you'll
look at the raw messages you're receiving, you'll see that the message
bodies of RFC2015 messages are marked as text/plain with a
content-disposition of inline, so they're not attachments.

To say that people are sending their entire messages as attachments just
because your MUA displays them that way, without accepting the possibility
that your MUA is broken (it is if it can't understand content-disposition
in other multipart types besides multipart/mixed), and claiming "Eurora
Pro handles MIME fine" without even understanding yourself how MIME works,
is disingenuous at best and a flat lie at worst.  Please get your ass off
the Internet until you can learn how to use it.  Barring that, at least
keep your mouth shut for a little while and open your eyes for a change.

Given that about 30% of my messages every day come from you and contain
very little content, I think you can put up with your MUA's broken
display of proper MIME messages or get a new one, and stop giving the rest
of us grief about it.

(message not signed because it's intended for someone with a broken MUA;
it's copied to the list lest someone actually start believing Tim's

Sean R. Lynch KG6CVV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.literati.org/users/seanl/
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