>> If troubled on Linux, at least look at the BSD's... their hier's
>> are cleaner and enforced, partly from not going the "distro" model
>> of random thunkers.
> Yes, a bucket list item for me - my attempt at Red Hat doesn't bode well
> though - we are creatures of habit.
> Thanks heaps for the feedback.

You haven't had the full pleasure of running a UNIX system until you've used 
FreeBSD :). I prefer it for my own servers every time.... but of course I'm 
running against the grain with that preference, the day job being a pure redhat 

I couldn't say whether FreeBSD has as good an end user desktop experience, 
although I suspect it should, assuming your hardware supported. I think nvidia 
has an X11 driver for FreeBSD in addition to Linux... I've actually been pretty 
impressed with redhat 7 and the default gnome 3, after installing the nvidia 
drivers (I'm not an open source nazi, they work better than nouveau...)


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