On Sat, 20 Aug 2016 23:10:49 -0600
Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:

> >     the  addresses of 'academics' are in the TLD .edu, not .mil,
> >     you know...
> So you'd trust him if he had an .edu address?

        Trust is pretty much a meaningless word. What matters is facts.

        I know for a fact that these people are US military
        contractors. And they are loyal to their paymasters. That's all
        that matters. 

        And their decoys, the shitbags who pretend to be 'progressive'
        social 'justice' 'anarchists' can only affect the judgement of
        careless people. 

        So, tell me again the fairy tale of the poor 'anti capitalists'
        who get 100K per year as pentagon spokepersons. 


> But not princeton.edu surely ;)

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