==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
> Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 09:00:44 
> From: Steven Clift
> Subject: [DW] Myanmar Internet Law (fwd)
> *** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 08:17:51 -0400
> From: Jonathan Prince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
> Subject: Myanmar Internet Law
> Burma (Myanmar):
> Regulations for internet users announced.
> Myanmar Post and Telecommunications [MPT] has issued regulations for
> users of its internet service.
> They are:
> 1) Any writings detrimental to the interests of the Union of Myanmar
> [Burma] are not to be posted;
> 2) Any writings directly or indirectly detrimental to the current
> policies and secret security affairs of the Government of the Union
> of Myanmar are not to be posted;
> 3) Writings related to politics are not to be posted;
> 4) Only the person who is granted an internet account is to use the
> internet; no other person is allowed to use the internet;
> 5) The person who is granted an internet account is held responsible
> for all internet use on that account;
> 6) A person with an internet account is prohibited from hacking the
> web and entering and destroying the security system of MPT;
> 7) Hacking the web and entering and destroying the security system of
> other internet users is prohibited;
> 8) Persons who hold an internet account are forbidden to misuse the
> account of other internet users;
> 9) Internet users are to inform MPT of any threat on the internet;
> 10) Internet users are to obtain prior permission from the
> organization designated by the state to create web pages;
> 11) Applicants for an internet account are held accountable for the
> veracity of facts contained in the application form;
> 12) MPT has the right to amend and change regulations on the use of
> the internet without prior notice;
> 13) Application can be filed for compensation for any damage or loss;
> 14) Internet use will be terminated and legal action will be taken
> for violation of any of these regulations.
> Source:
> Communications Law in Transition
> http://pcmlp.socleg.ox.ac.uk/transition/issue04/updates.htm
> More info on Burma
> http://www.freeburmacoalition.org/
> ..
> Jonathan Prince          : Listen To MP3 Webcast
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  : Of WorldBank/IMF Protests
> http://KillYourTV.com    : http://TalkAboutTheNews.com
> ........................................................
> http://Superfluous.net   : http://KillYourTV.com/foundobjects
> ........................................................
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