Someone asked about the ZKS Freedom product "open source" release of some
Linux code.  This is based on a couple of hours' review of the material
that was released.

ZKShim is "a kernel driver that intercepts and redirects network packets
for use by the Zero-Knowledge Freedom client.  It is not the Freedom
client, and it is not functional end-user software.  This code is intended
for developers and those curious about the Freedom kernel interface,"
according to the release notes.

A "shim" in engineering terms is a thin layer that interfaces between
larger parts of your design.  In this case, ZKS provides a shim which
handles network packets and provides some simple firewall and routing

-rw-r--r--   1 root      root          1659 Jul 20 12:19 Makefile
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root          2697 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim.h
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root          6531 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_cache.c
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root          1138 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_cache.h
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root         29298 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_drv.c
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root         12881 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_frag.c
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root          1641 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_frag.h
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root          3447 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_os.h
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root           875 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_priv.h
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root         14554 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_rules.c
-rw-r--r--   1 root      root           798 Jul 20 12:19 zkshim_rules.h

The main module here is zkshim_drv.c.  It provides a device driver for
a device, /dev/clientshim, which provides an interface to the network
routing functions.  The main purpose of this device seems to be to allow
ioctl's which will set routing and firewall rules.  It also seems to be
possible to directly read and write the device to get low-level access
to IP packets.  It's not clear whether this latter functionality is
important or secondary to firewalling which is done in the kernel.

zkshim_rules.c maintains a set of rules for how packets should be handled.
Packets can be filtered based on source and destination address, port,
and other information.  If a packet matches one of the rules, it can
either be allowed to pass through, deleted, or it can be re-routed to
some other IP/port address.  Again, the ioctl provided by /dev/clientshim
is used by client software to set the rules.

zkshim_cache.c provides a cache of recently used rule entries, apparently
for performance optimization.  zkshim_frag.c deals with the complexity
of keeping track of packet streams.

That's about it.  There is no crypto.

Presumably the way this is used, say the ZKS product wants to protect
HTTP sessions, which will be recognized as connections to port 80 or
other commonly used ports.  A rule can be installed by the ZKS client
which will cause any connections to port 80 to be redirected to one of the
ZKS servers.  From there it can be forwarded through the Freedom network.
This redirection is all that is done by ZKShim.

This means that a considerable amount of other processing on each
connection must be done outside the kernel (or there is more kernel
code yet to be released).  It's not clear how ZKS would hook into,
say, a Netscape browser and intercept its socket connection calls so
that it can add crypto and do other functionality beyond the simple
redirection being done by ZKShim.  Perhaps it can use a shared library
which somehow lies between Netscape and the real system shared library?
But if it did that, why couldn't it do the redirection there as well?
It certainly sounds easier to do it in user space where fragmentation
issues won't arise.

One other point: a substantial part of the code in zkshim_drv appears to
be non-functional.  shim_inet_stream_connect and shim_inet_dgram_connect
appear to do a lot of the firewalling and redirection work, but they are
static functions pointed to by static structs which are never exported.
There doesn't seem to be any way to enter these functions, which amount
to some 20% of the zkshim_drv.c file.

Either it's old code which they never got around to removing, or it's
new code which hasn't been used yet.  This suggests that this is far
from a finished product and substantial work remains to be done on the
Linux port.

We really can't complain - the release notes did say that this was 'not
functional end-user software'.  We may have thought it meant that other
pieces were still to be released, but maybe it actually means that the
damned thing doesn't work yet.

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