At 7:19 PM +0100 11/14/00, Tom Vogt wrote:
>text in german, but I guess everyone will get the point...
>finally, we have a copy of the *real* official ballot...

We've been seeing this joke every day since late last week.

And, though it's undeniably funny, it grossly misrepresents the 
ballot issue. In fact, the "butterfly ballot" issue has been put on 
the back burner by the Democrat vermin. They are putting their 
efforts into re-sampling and re-counting and fiddling with the 
ballots in Volusia County, Broward County, Dade County, and Palm 
Beach County.

The Democrat untermenchen are even trying to overrule the local 
canvassing boards which have said they "see no point" in a manual 

(Broward County, for example, a heavily Democrat-infested county, 
only turned up 4 "found" votes for Gore in a laborious manual 
fiddling-with of the paper ballots. Hence the canvassing board voted 
to not expend more time and money fiddling with the entire county's 
ballots. The Democrat Gorehoppers are going to court to force them 

The whole charade is delicious to watch.

--Tim May
(This .sig file has not been significantly changed since 1992. As the
election debacle unfolds, it is time to prepare a new one. Stay tuned.)

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