>In recent years California citizens have decided against new
>electric power generation  projects  within their jurisdiction and to
>enforce strict air pollution standards on any existing facilities.
>This is great as long as the people making this decision pay the
>cost.  Unfortunately the cost of these decisions are not being borne
>only be the citizens of California.  The bad decisions of the citizens
>of California have produced an energy crisis in what is called the
>Northwest for which all citizens in what is called the Northwest must
>pay the price.
>Here I sit in Vancouver BC Canada paying outrageous prices for
>natural gas because of the demand in California for natural gas for
>heating and electrical generation purposes.  I feel California should
>pay for their previous decisions themselves, if you don't want power
>plants don't use power or pay the complete premium for your
>Of course the system can never be made to work in this way so
>here I sit in Canada paying for bad decisions in California.

        I live in California, and I agree 100% with your statements.

        The reason we aren't "paying our fair share" has to do not 
with greedy corporations, but with the ignorant peasants whinging to 
the government.
A quote from Petro's Archives:
"Despite almost every experience I've ever had with federal 
authority, I keep imagining its competence."
John Perry Barlow

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